The Night Gwen Stacy Died by Duke

The Night Gwen Stacy Died

Archie and the Gang aboard the Starship Enterprise by Duke

Archie and the Gang aboard the Starship Enterprise

Civil War: Batman Vs. Superman by Duke

Civil War: Batman Vs. Superman

Seth Rogen as D-Man by Duke

Seth Rogen as D-Man

She-Hulk Hostess by Duke

She-Hulk Hostess

Black Widow vs. Black Canary by Duke

Black Widow vs. Black Canary

Bat Man - Bat out of Hell by Duke

Bat Man – Bat out of Hell

Wonder Woman vs. The Red Son by Duke

Wonder Woman vs. The Red Son

Classic Avengers vs. Darkseid by Duke

Classic Avengers vs. Darkseid

She-Hulk by Duke

Judge She-Hulk